Monday, November 20, 2006

Reaching for the Sun


My research on solar activity on the earth's surface which also correllates with the atmospheric temperature, health issues such as skin conditions, and land surface conditions around the globe. My research has led me to develop new land formations which I call Transmission Archipelagos. I propose that these new typologies respond to energy conservation as well as provide some type of shade for areas where heat can be unbearable and land is dry. In order for these new typologies to maximize their efficiency and not collide with other programs in existing cities and countries, they will occupy the vertical atmospheric environment.

Since these archipelagos will be floating, I have to take into account the size of their shadow created according to their height above the earth's surface, making sure that sunlight is still able to reach the earth's surface in ways to feed the vegetation.


1. Photovoltaic farms
2. Transmit and receive
3. Sun shade device

The new forms created will use warm air streams to help stay aloft, like hot air balloons. The skin of these forms will be animated in such a way that it responds to the angle of the sun and follows its path as the day moves from morning to night- a hyperbody constantly changing. The skin, I propose, will utilize photovoltaic technology to gather the sun's energy and convert it into usuable electricity. Once converted, energy travels to the nearest transmitting device on the transmission archipelago, then the energy is transferred via radiowaves or microwaves to receiving stations at ground level.
The new floating surface designed to collect energy will also serve as shading devices, lowering temperature and the amount of UV rays that reach the earth's surface. The only problem with this idea, as indicated in the idea of anti-sun umbrellas, is that sunlight is vital to all life and therefore should not be completely blocked from inhabitants below. I either think the surface style being translucent might be a solution, or the "smart surface" be controlled by satellite to open like blinds to let sunlight pass through.

The Site

The site for my architectural propositions are located in the boundaries of the Transmission Archipelagos

Conceptual images of floating transmission archipelagos

original illustrations

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

developing form

To adhere to the ideas I've been moving forward with, I've decided to use previous forms to derive my first architectural conception. The form was creating using the lines from the transmission archipelago that lies over the northern tip of Africa. More forms would be produced in this similar manor and would be located all along the globe in conjunction with transmission archipelagos. The forms are free-floating, with the surface clad in solar panels. I see the skin of this form acting as a solar envelope, with progam spaces underneath. I plan to use my mapping section to strategically define my program spaces within the interior

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Emerging Solar Nations

We are affected everyday by thousands of invisible entities that travel through the atmosphere, dissipating as they make their way towards the surface of the earth. These are solar rays, whether they be the UV rays that effect our skin conditions, or the infrared rays that warm our atmosphere, we are in constant contact. With this premise, I've decided to give some sort of physicality or form to solar energy to better understand its location, and how the energy can be harnessed using devices such as photovoltaic arrays.
The series of maps that follow revolve around energy usage in the world. I've made a list of countries, based upon their total Btu consumption, to see where most of our energy is being consumed.

After overlaying the heat absorption surface over the Btu consumption map, it showed me that the areas most affected by solar energy lie in areas where not much energy is being used. I propose that energy should be gathered using mega photovoltaic farms in areas of high solar heat gain, then tranfer the energy via microwaves or radio waves to areas in the world that have more need of the energy.

The image below shows new land formations from the intersection of aborbed and irradiated solar energy, creating what I call Transmission Colonies. These new archipelagos serve the purpose of collected energy from the photovoltaic farms and transmitting it around the world.
The other land formations are formed using the countries of high Btu consumption then trimming the heat absorption surface at their intersections, creating Heat Archipelagos. These archipelagos are where the photovoltaic farms will be located, gathering the suns energy and converting it into usable electricity, then fed to the Transmission Colonies.

Final solar map construction

(above) Section of final map
The following maps are created for the "new world" using the parameters from the newly developed archipelagos. The maps consist of analyses on climatic conditions, population densities, and typologies, and nightcaps of the world.
(below) new world map showing climatic conditions in location of archipelagos

The climate map indicates the most of the areas revealed in the new world are predominately arid with scattered tropical wetlands. Since the surface conditions vary, this will help me to respond structurally.

Image below showing lights at night

The illumination at night shows us specific densities in various countries of energy being used at night. Although China is the second (behind the US) in energy use, it seems that the night time is not as active as Spain and Germany, for instance. This in turn would lead me to suggest that the energy distribution has variability from day to night.