Monday, November 20, 2006

Reaching for the Sun


My research on solar activity on the earth's surface which also correllates with the atmospheric temperature, health issues such as skin conditions, and land surface conditions around the globe. My research has led me to develop new land formations which I call Transmission Archipelagos. I propose that these new typologies respond to energy conservation as well as provide some type of shade for areas where heat can be unbearable and land is dry. In order for these new typologies to maximize their efficiency and not collide with other programs in existing cities and countries, they will occupy the vertical atmospheric environment.

Since these archipelagos will be floating, I have to take into account the size of their shadow created according to their height above the earth's surface, making sure that sunlight is still able to reach the earth's surface in ways to feed the vegetation.


1. Photovoltaic farms
2. Transmit and receive
3. Sun shade device

The new forms created will use warm air streams to help stay aloft, like hot air balloons. The skin of these forms will be animated in such a way that it responds to the angle of the sun and follows its path as the day moves from morning to night- a hyperbody constantly changing. The skin, I propose, will utilize photovoltaic technology to gather the sun's energy and convert it into usuable electricity. Once converted, energy travels to the nearest transmitting device on the transmission archipelago, then the energy is transferred via radiowaves or microwaves to receiving stations at ground level.
The new floating surface designed to collect energy will also serve as shading devices, lowering temperature and the amount of UV rays that reach the earth's surface. The only problem with this idea, as indicated in the idea of anti-sun umbrellas, is that sunlight is vital to all life and therefore should not be completely blocked from inhabitants below. I either think the surface style being translucent might be a solution, or the "smart surface" be controlled by satellite to open like blinds to let sunlight pass through.

The Site

The site for my architectural propositions are located in the boundaries of the Transmission Archipelagos

Conceptual images of floating transmission archipelagos

original illustrations


rael said...

airborne solar meet airborne wind power

more comments soon...

rael said...

"...reflecting sunlight with gazillions of orbiting featherweight mirrors..."

more soon...

rael said...

trevor, i think this is a step in the right direction and the images are really captivating. i think you should continue along these lines and begin to develop one of these transmission archipelagos in more detail. also, i think you consider them as floating in the sky and perhaps floating in the ocean as well.

so how do these "clouds" become more detailed? are they made up of countless particles? larger components? can you occupy them? does something tether them to the ground?

Anonymous said...

i dont know anything about your project, but the images made me think of Lebbeus Woods -- he has some project involving floating structures over the city of Paris.